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You can pay for parking by scanning your ticket with your smartphone or using the self-service payment kiosks available at the exit gates, ensuring a fast and hassle-free experience.
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Magic and the Milestones Riyadh
Riyadh linking the past and the future with its rich culture and modern advancements, creating a city of seamless contrasts.
About the airport
King Khalid International Airport was opened in 1983 A.D in Riyadh city.
It is located in an area of 225 km2 about 35 km from the city center, containing five passengers’ terminals, 40 Passenger boarding bridges, and more car parking designed for 11.600 vehicles. The airport consists of Royal Terminal, the Central Control Tower, two Parallel Runways, which are each 4,260 meters (13,980 ft) long.

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